
 About Us


Marta Flamínio
Integrated Master in Veterinarian Medicine by the University of Èvora concluded in 2010. A PostGraduation in Clinical and Surgery of Exotic Animals by the Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine of the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies concluded in 2017. Having performed, from September 14, 2009 and June 25, 2010, the curricular internship in Internal Medicine and Surgery in both exotic and pet animals in the Veterinarian Hospital of Oporto. Has collaborated as a Veterinarian in the Veterinarian Clinic of Alcochete from 2010 to 2013, in the area of Internal Medicine and Surgery of exotic and pet animals. Between 2013 and 2017, has collaborated as a Veterinarian at BichoMix Veterinarian Hospital and Clinic, in the area of Internal Medicine and Surgery, being in charge of the exotic animals’ area. Since 2016, has been collaborating with the Animal Blood Bank, integrating a team since February 2018 as a Veterinarian in the big area of the city of Lisbon.
Patrícia de Jesus
Completed her Masters in Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto in 2017, with particular interest in the process of social-educational institutionalization of childhood in contemporary societies and children’s rights, namely the right to play and leisure. Went on to carry out internships with a strong social component, where music, plastic arts and photography were the educational basis. Later exercised her profession integrating the educational team of a foster home that receives, in a residential regime for long periods of time, children and young people at risk, providing conditions and paths for their good affective, personal and professional development. Simultaneously, she has always been involved in various animal defense and rehabilitation projects (team of rescue and reinsertion in responsible families) as well as in the creation of a sterilization group to respond to the need to control cat colonies, as a preventive measure of protection in her area of ​​residence. Integrates the BSA Porto since 2020 as an assistant in the donation team, keeping animal welfare as her main interest.
Silvia Santos
With professional experience in the administrative area and contact with clients, she has always felt connected to the animal area, having actively participated in the management of a shelter, also providing support in the veterinary area. Thus, she decided to follow what motivates her and trained as a veterinary assistant, through Empower.
He likes to work in a team and has a special interest in innovation and learning. He joined the Animal Blood Bank full-time in the feline donation team in the Greater Lisbon area since October 2021.
Sara Pinto
Graduated in Veterinary Nursing from the Escola Superior Agrária of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo.
He completed a Curricular Practice at the Hospital Referência Veterinária Montenegro, where he began his professional activity.
Later she joined the nursing team at the Porto Veterinary Hospital.
Since December 2021, he has worked in the Animal Blood Bank donation team.
His areas of interest are neurology, anesthetic monitoring and transfusion medicine.
Beatriz Quintela
Graduated in Veterinary Nursing from Escola Superior do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança in 2018.
Carried out a curricular internship at the Hospital Veterinário do Porto and at Clínica Veterinária Língua de Gato, where has worked as a nurse until 2023.
In February 2023, has joined the Animal Blood Bank team and now integrates the donation team.
Her main professional interests are intensive care and trauma, exotic and wild medicine, and animal nutrition, with a special focus on natural food and transfusional medicine.
João Correia
Master’s in veterinary medicine from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies
(FMV-ULHT) in 2019, curricular internship at the Municipal Kennel of Lagos and Municipal Veterinary Medical Service. He developed his dissertation in "Principles of Shelter Medicine in a Portuguese municipal kennel - study of five clinical cases".
During his training he did several extra-curricular internships in the areas of clinic and surgery of companion animals and livestock animals, animal rehabilitation, internal medicine and laboratory analysis.
Developed his activity in the clinical areas of companion animals, surgery, emergencies and intensive care, as well as clinical activity of exotic animals and livestock in veterinary medical clinics in the district of Setúbal and Lisbon.
Currently works as a veterinarian for companion animals, exotic animals and farm animals at "Alpha D ́Lux Home Veterinary service".
Has been collaborating with the Animal Blood Bank since March 2023, joining the team as a Veterinarian in the Greater Lisbon area.
Patrícia Oliveira
Degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro in 2015 with a special interest in spatial planning.
She worked in several companies where she held positions of warehouse employee and administrative assistant.
In 2022, taking advantage of a career break, decided to fulfill a childhood dream and graduated from Master D in veterinary assistant and carried out a curricular internship at ANIMED - Hospital Veterinário de Gondomar.
She has been part of the Animal Blood Bank team since April 2023.


Andreia Magalhães
Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Scientist since 2013 by Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto and Master in Quality Control by Faculdade de Farmácia of Universidade do Porto in 2015. Performed several curricular internships in hospitals in the northern area, namely, Hospital de S. João, Hospital de Gaia and Instituto de Oncologia do Porto (IPO) in the areas of hematology, microbiology, immunology and clinical chemistry. Worked from 2014 to 2016 in collecting blood samples. In 2016, she begins her professional career in the human laboratory area, working in all laboratory areas and also in the context of emergency analysis in the Laboratório de Análises Clínicas of Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Vila do Conde. Joins the Animal Blood Bank team in the laboratory area since June 2021.

Ana Queiros
Graduated in Clinical Analysis and Public Health by Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto (Current Escola Superior de Saúde) in 2013. Completed several curricular internships at Hospital de São João, IPO Porto, Centro Hospitalar do Porto and Centro de Histocompatibilidade (Biology Molecular, Transfusion Medicine, Hematology, Clinical Chemistry and Microbiology fields). Did a non-curricular voluntary internship at Medicina Laboratório Carlos Torres in 2014. Entered the world of Veterinary Medicine in 2014 as a Clinical Analysis Technician at Cedivet Laboratory - Veterinary Diagnostic Center in Porto, in the clinical pathology service. Has been part of the Banco de Sangue Animal’s team since July 2021.

Catarina Monteiro
Graduated in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences in 2023 at Escola Superior de Saúde do Porto. Completed several internships at IPO - Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto, at CHUSA - Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António and at Affidea in the areas of immuno-hematology, microbiology, clinical chemistry, hematology and immunology. Still within the curricular scope, carried out a final course project on the quality control of CHUSA blood components and participated in an awareness-raising lecture on the Importance of Helicobacter Pylori in the context of Public Health at Escola Secundário Dr. Júlio Martins in Chaves.
Sara Pereira
Master in Veterinary Medicine from ICBAS) at the University of Oporto in 2010. Completed a curricular internship in the area of Companion Animal Medicine and Surgery at the Vetmedis Veterinary Clinic (nowadays Madeira Veterinary Hospital) in 2009/2010, in epidemiology and parasitology in a partnership between Vetmedis, SPAD - Sociedade Protetora dos Animais Domésticos do Funchal and the Regional Veterinary and Food Safety Laboratory - LRVSA to prepare a thesis entitled: “Cross-sectional study of the prevalence of canine heartworm disease in Madeira, Portugal” Attended intensive courses/workshops in dermatology (2019), infectious diseases (2022) and abdominal ultrasound (2023) and participated in several national congresses. Took a Quality Technician course (environmental management and OSH) which finished in July 2024. Worked in several veterinary clinics and hospitals in the Oporto area, her main areas of interest being internal medicine, hematology and cytology, dermatology, imaging and behavior and veterinary etiology. Member of the Animal Blood Bank team since August 2024, joining the laboratory team at NIV- Veterinary Research Center, in OPorto.


Raquel Silva

Graduated in Biology from University of Aveiro in 2018 and Master in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto in 2020. Undertook curricular internships in the area of Molecular Genetics, at Centro de Genética Médica Dr. Jacinto Magalhães. Started her professional career in 2020 at Unilabs, as a Laboratory Technician, where she performed RT-qPCR tests for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. Joined the Animal Blood Bank team in May 2022.

Alvaro Martins
Graduated in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences in 2020 by the School of Health of Porto, having the first contact with the veterinary area through a curricular internship at the National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research – INIAV.
Post-graduated in Forensic Sciences by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto in 2022, with a dissertation project based on the theme: "The applicability of pericardial fluid in the dosage of cardiac biomarkers for the post-mortem diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction".
He started working in Biomedical Sciences at the end of 2020, in human medicine, working in different laboratories in the context of the collection of different biological matrices, including blood (phlebotomy), and in the context of point-of-care laboratory (POC).
In September 2022, he would start his duties in the Animal Blood Bank.
Paula Barbosa
Graduated in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences in 2023 by the Escola Superior de Saúde do Porto. 
Performed several curricular internships at Centro Hospitalar Universitário do São João and Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto in the areas of microbiology, immuno-hematology, hematology and immunology and also a research about “Antinuclear Antibodies After SARS-CoV-2 Infection”. It iscurrently developing actions of volunteering with lectures on Tuberculosis: “Tuberculosis: Betting on Information, Prevents the Spread”
Sabrina Araujo
Técnica de Laboratório
Graduated in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences in 2023 at Escola Superior de Saúde de Bragança. Completed several internships at ULSAM and Hospital de Santa Maria Maior in the areas of hematology, microbiology, biochemistry, immunohemotherapy and immunology, and also at INNO veterinary laboratory, where she had her first contact with the veterinary field. In terms of curriculum, published an article “The importance of the skin microbiome in atopic dermatitis” in the first edition of the journal Trends in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences.
Catia Azevedo
Gratuated in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences from Coimbra Health School since 2022. During the degree carried out several curricular internships, highlighting those experienced from the ERASMUS + program at the Sahlgrenska University and Northern Älvsborg Hospital in Sweden. In 2023 began her professional career colecting biological products and processing analyses in point-of-care equipments at the hospital. Joined our team in August 2024.


Isabel Silva
With experience in the area of industrial quality, has developed a particular interest in the veterinary area, having worked as a technical assistant at the Póvoa Veterinary Clininc from 2001 to 2003. In 2004, took the Technical Analysis Technical Training Course at The School of Technology and Industrial Management - UCP. From 2005 to 2007 worked as an Analyst at the Interprofessional Laboratory of the Milk and Dairy Sector AGROS. Subsequently worked as a reference technique for the CEDIVET- Veterinary Diagnostic Center laboratory. Likes to work in team and has a special interest in innovation and learning.

Márcio Silva
Attendance at the Clinical Analysis and Public Health Course at Universidade Fernando Pessoa with curricular internship at HPP. He worked as a Collection Technician at the UniAnalises laboratory in 2005 and in 2006 at the Clinical Pathology laboratory J Fleming Torrinha, where he performed Household, stock management and support to Reception and administration.
To complement his training, he took the clinical secretarial course at the Fernando Pessoa University and Logistics Technician, with a curricular internship at Artevasi.
In 2017, he joined the Conforma team as Deputy Head of Warehouse, performing the duties of coordinator of logistics flows and the warehouse (Reception, Warehousing and Delivery). In 2018, he received the challenge of Supervisor in coordinating the logistics team at Efacec.
In 2019, he began roles as Executive Administrative Secretary at Glassdrive, in the center`s appointment control and scheduling, document processing and conferencing, and general public service.
At home, animals have always done for the family, whether they are dogs, cats, canaries or guinea pigs. In order to combat animal abandonment, he integrated the coordination of the Animal Solidarity Bank organized by Animalife, with the main function of collecting and delivering baskets for animals from families with economic problems.
It allowed him to open new doors and thus being part of the logistics team at Banco Sangue Animal was a professional and personal achievement.
Joana Vale
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at ICBAS – Oporto University in 2003. Completed the 12 months curricular internship at Hospital Veterinário do Porto. Activity developed in consultation, hospitalization, surgery, anesthesiology, endoscopy, ultrasound, radiology, electrocardiography, laboratory, weekly medical-surgical emergency of 12 and 24 hours. Medical-surgical care for companion and exotic animals. She has worked as a Veterinarian since 2003 in veterinary clinics for companion and exotic animals. Activity carried out in consultation, hospitalization, minor surgery, radiology, electrocardiography, laboratory and emergencies. Her main interest are internal medicine, feline and transfusion medicine. Participated in the training of trainees in Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and Clinic Assistants. Participated at several congresses and seminars in Portugal. Among which stand out: “Cat Handling Program” - International Cat Care; 2nd Meeting - Hematology for clinicians by APMVEAC Porto; GIEFEL Congress - Feline Medicine by APMVEAC Lisbon; MBA-VET Training Course by IFE Porto; Intensive Course “Treating Commonly Encountered Exotic Animals” Improve Ibérica in Santarém. From 2016 to 2022 enrolled in APMVEAC - Portuguese Association of Veterinary Doctors Specialists in Companion Animals. Collaborates with Banco de Sangue Animal in Porto since October 2022, joining the team as a Logistics Technician in December 2022. Loves animals but her passion is cats!
Beatriz Fernandes
Started her professional career with customer services and went through several positions. At the end of the pandemic she decided to take a veterinary assistant course, because she was an animal lover since she was a child. It was during the course that she found out about the blood bank, and joined the logistics team one year later, in october 2023, where she felt professional realized since she was finally working in an environment she actually loves and values.
Gonçalo Araújo
Began his professional career in customer service, where he worked his way up. Passionate about animals since he was a child, he knew the Animal Blood Bank and started working as a logistics assistant.


Guilherme Martins
Completed the 12th year in Socioeconomic Sciences in 2014, at Escola Secundária Augusto Gomes, in Matosinhos. In the same year, joined the Armed Forces, namely the Portuguese Air Force. Did a Training in Secretarial and Service Support, directly linked to the Management of Human Resources of the Portuguese Air Force. Worked as an Assistant for the Management of Individual Processes for all Portuguese Air Force soldiers, as well as for Reserve and Retired Soldiers, and later joined the Air Force Recruitment Center, where he managed the entry of new soldiers, as well as the disclosure of all the professional and training offer that the Air Force had. In the last months of the contract decided to take a Higher Professional Technical Course (Level V) in Management and Business for Small and Medium-sized Companies, taught by Atlântico Business School, on an after-work basis, which gave him access to a curricular internship of more than 6 months at the Salvador Caetano Group, as a Human Resources Technician. Its connection to the Air Force ended in December 2021 and to Salvador Caetano in June 2022. Since then, joined a Condominium Management and Administration Company as Operational Manager, where he was responsible for the Accounting of the Buildings and where he carried out the Assemblies of Shareholders. Looking for a new experience in his professional life, and because he is very fond of animals, regardless of the species, decided to apply for the Animal Blood Bank, where performs the Administrative function, with functions, likewise, in the Logistics Area. The diversity of functions, their complexity and the importance of the BSA Group´s activity for the lives of animals are what most fascinates him in this new adventure.


