The well-being of our blood donors is the uppermost priority of our entire team. They are the real stars who deserve ample of care and affection... always!
Since love for animals is our main foundation, all care for our blood donors has been thoroughly studied, thought of, protocoled, and guaranteed from the very first contact we have with them. Here are several points we can highlight and guarantee:
1. Every member of our BSA team are carefully selected to demonstrate respect and passion towards animals. In addition, the donation team are provided with specific training that: ensures the uptake of animal-friendly techniques that minimizes stress, promotes empathy, and aids a quick affective bond between themselves and the donors.
2. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential. A recent example would be our team attending the following course: ISFM Advanced Feline Behaviour for Veterinary Professionals.
3. The adaptation of protocols to the needs of our donors has always been a concern since its conception. We have exclusive rooms dedicated for blood donations, separating both dogs and cats. We also guarantee independent waiting rooms that provide our donors with calm environments, which in turn reduces unpleasant stimuli, smells, and threatening noises. The donation rooms also reflect these standards, for example: the room colours, the use of relaxing music and pheromone diffusers help our donors relax; ensuring that every moment spent with us will only bring positive memories for future visits.
4. Follow-up care after each donation is essential to understand how the individual animal reacts to their donation, this allows the protocol to be individually adapted for subsequent donations. For this reason, the BSA guarantees a 24 hour helpline for owners, in addition to carrying out a post-donation survey, which helps us to understand how our donors react.
5. As mentioned previously, we aim to guarantee a pleasant and positive experience that produces good memories for future visits. We try to ensure the donation process is comfortable by selecting the best materials to use and preparing the donation table with comfortable materials.
6. The clinical examination prior to donation, in addition to the blood tests performed, ensure that our donors are healthy.
All the care stated above has gained the trust of the owners, helped maintain the health and welfare of our donors.
BSA is accredited as CAT FRIENDLY by the International Society of Feline Medicine, being the only Veterinary Blood Bank with such distinction.